All CS Classes I’ve Taken at Brown

CSCI 0190 – Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science
[Pyret] Accelerated way to finish the required into sequence, touched on time-space trade off, the halting problem, graph theory, and proper testing techniques.

CSCI 0330 – Introduction to Computer Systems
[C] Built buffer overflow project, implemented C’s malloc, and a multithreaded database server.

CSCI 1850 – Deep Learning in Genomics
[Python] Built deeply nested Convolutional Neural Networks, auto-encoders and PCA and LDA graphs to analyse and classify genomic data.

CSCI 1230 – Introduction to Computer Graphics
[C++ and Qt] Implemented tessellation of standard shapes to arbitrary levels of detail, built 2d image filters, implemented a fully functional raytracer. Final Project was Beagle, explained below.

CSCI 1730 – Design + Implementation Programming Languages
[Racket] Implemented an interpreter, class systems, a type checker and a type inferencer from scratch.

CSCI 1660 – Intro to Computer Systems Security
[Bash and Python] Explored different vulnerabilities like XSS attacks, SQL injections, overriding environmental variables, privilege escalation and sniffing. Build a cryptographically secure file transfer program in Python as final project.

CSCI 1710 – Logic for Systems
[Forge and Python] Used Forge (a SAT solver) to build specifications for several graph-based systems. Also implemented a SAT solver from scratch using Python. Final project was a function generator to map given inputs to given outputs.

CSCI 1900 – csciStartup
This class allowed me to work on my startup Emit for course credit.

CSCI 1380 – Distributed Systems
[Go] Studied and implemented distributed systems like Tapestry and Raft. Also made use of Zookeeper.

CSCI 2240 – Interactive Graphics
[C++ and Qt] Studied and implemented Monte Carlo ray-tracers, FEM simulators and mesh deformers. Final project was KILL IT WITH FIRE, explained below.

[Yonsei Universitystudy abroad] STA4121- Quantum Machine Learning
Explored the basic mathematical foundations of quantum computing, some basic applications, and how it applies to quantum machine learning. Some concepts covered: bloch spheres, swap tests, quantum oracles, quantum teleportation, quantum simulated annealing

CSCI 2951O – Prescriptive Analytics
[Java] An exploration of prescriptive analytics, particularly Boolean Satisfiability, Constraint Programming, Linear Programming, Integer Programming and Local Search. It explored theory, motivations, industry practices, and implementation (either from scratch or with IBM ILOG). Final project was a local search solver that solves a version of the capacitated salesman problem.

Some Honors I achieved at Brown 

Presidential Scholars Program
The Presidential Scholars’ (PSP) cohort-based program model is designed to provide students with a unique collegiate experience. Students are selected based on their academic promise, with attention to recruiting economically and demographically diverse groups.

Computer Science Senior Prize
An award given to only a few graduating computer science students for their academic performance and contributions to the computer science community.

Sigma Xi nomination
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society (ΣΞ) is a non-profit honor society for scientists and engineers. Membership in Sigma Xi is by invitation only, where members nominate others on the basis of their research achievements or potential.

Notable Academic Projects

Entering Entrepreneurship Seminar- Senior Fall (2022)

During my study abroad in South Korea at Yonsei University, I taught a multi-day seminar called “Entering Entrepreneurship” to the university’s PoolC club (their programming club).
It was about many aspects of the entrepreneurial process. This wasn’t part of any course, I did it for Yonsei’s Programming club.

KILL IT WITH FIRE - Junior Spring (2022)

KILL IT WITH FIRE was a physically realistic (for the most part) wildfire simulator. It handled conduction, convection, tree burning, cloud formation, air humidity and wind, all in real time!

Github Link Here! Executable here!

Beagle - Sophomore Fall (2020)

Beagle is an application I made with Alana White as a final project for our graphics class. It’s a fun program that explores the creation of cool animated shaders using the laws of evolution (mutations, offspring, evolutionary pressure), as well as the creation of trees using L-systems. I made the procedural shader module; Alana made the L-system tree module. It’s named after Darwin’s HMS Beagle.

Webiste link here. If you have a Mac, you can get a binary here to lay around with it!

Compliance by Design - Freshman Summer (2020)

This is the research project I did during the summer of 2020 as my UTRA. Compliance by Design is a research project started by Malte Schwarzkopf of the Brown University Systems Group. It’s aim is to design systems that make it easy to make databases (either pre-existing databases or to-be databases) GDPR compliant. Here’s part of the adbstract:

New laws like GDPR mean that database maintainers must now be able to respond to SARs (user requests for all their data). Usually, this means they have to manually make queries to comb through their database – this is tedious and error prone. We wanted to design a system that could do this automatically for new and existing databases, and tested and evaluated different ways of implementing said hypothetical system in PostgreSQL. Ideally, this system should not have to depend on explicitly defined foreign key constraints to generate its SAR reports. Our findings show that a promising approach would be a system that maintains database shards for user data using custom, potentially nested, indexes. The system would make use of lightweight annotations by the database developer to determine which data goes into whose shard, and use developer-provided redaction predicates to ensure sensitive data doesn’t leak into the SAR report.

My full work can be found on GitHub, and a poster summarizing my findings can be found here.

Browser Lightfield Editor - Freshman Spring (2020)

During my freshman spring I worked for Professor James Thompkin, who is part of Brown’s Visual Computing Group. During this time, I improved an in-browser Looking Glass lightfield editor that one of his former masters intern created.

I completely refactored and revamped the front end of the application, and also refactored part of the backend and optimized it. Unfortunately, at the time I left the project, it was still active research and hence the Github repository was private. Maybe, by the time you’re reading this, it’ll be public now.